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About the Game

Relicblade is a tabletop tactics-RPG, focusing on heroic characters, dangerous adventures, and intuitive gameplay. Players command a party of champions on an epic quest to decide the fate of a dying world.

Relicblade is a passionately designed, independent miniatures hobby game packed with character!

And it’s all made by one dude, Sean Sutter.


Elegant, Easy To Learn Rules: Relicblade is easy to learn, but gameplay offers extremely engaging tactical depth. You are never stuck asking how to play and are free to focus on how to win!

  • Dynamic Activations: Characters use a dynamic Action Dice system to perform actions, giving players intense tactical control of their champions.

  • Customization: Build your party of adventurers from a wide range of characters and upgrades. Align yourself with good or evil, and recruit any characters within your alignment. There are no faction limitations.

  • Immersive Design: Relicblade characters are represented by highly detailed metal miniatures and on lavishly illustrated character and upgrade cards, delivering an immersive world to explore.

  • Player Friendly: Relicblade only uses 4-6 characters per side, it plays on a 2’x2’ board, and games only last around 30 minutes. Making it one of the most playable tabletop games around. You can easily play multiple games in a single evening.

Check out the Learn to Play page for more info!


Get started with the Storms of Kural 2-Player box set or grab the print and play demo to try it out.

Relicblade Quickstart Demo
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Storms of Kural Two-Player Box Set
Quick View

Metal King Studio

Metal King Studio was founded in 2015 by artist Sean Sutter. It is an independent tabletop game studio where Sean creates whatever the heck he wants.

Sean Sutter is a California based artist and owner of Metal King Studio. He is six feet two inches tall and wears a mustache.

Sean Sutter is the creator of Relicblade and Sludge tabletop miniatures games. He does all of the illustration, game design, and sculpture for his games. Creating miniature wonders is his jam. He works hard and drinks lots of coffee.

He is generally happy and believes in peace.