Kickstarter Final Hours and AdeptiCon
Howdy y'all! This Kickstarter is running through a super busy time of year, but it's also been a terrific gust of wind in my sails. The campaign closes in under 24 hours, so I wanted to give you all a quick note to detail the Add-on structure and share some fun stuff from my trip to AdeptiCon.
If you haven’t backed the Kickstarter yet, Now is your last chance!
Relicblade/Cursebreaker Add-ons
I don't use a pledge manager with my Kickstarter campaigns. I work hard to deliver the KS rewards as quickly as possible, so I try to keep all the info in one place so I can get accurate inventory counts and ship right away instead of collecting late pledges. After a campaign, all the fun new releases become part of the Relicblade product range and are available for general release. There are a bunch of logistical challenges that this technique mitigates. I know it's not perfect for everyone, but I am trying and I love you all.
To receive the new Paragon Character or Monster Pack, you will need to Add them to your pledge before the campaign closes!
The "paragon" characters are special Relicblade champions that can be used in both Relicblade and Cursebreaker. I focussed on magic users so you can get the most out of these guys in both settings. The kits will include the metal mini, a round plastic base, and their Relicblade character card. I haven't sculpted these yet. I will share my progress on these figures in the coming weeks.
The Wild Monster pack and the Additional Cursebreaker cards are also available as Add-ons. The extra cards will be handy if you and your friends want to use the same school of magic.
The monster pack is a fun way to add characterful Relicblade style sculpts for those classic undead monsters. The skeletons and revenant appear in the Seeker's Handbook campaign and in the Cursebreaker campaign.
Dangerous Skeletons! Add these to your pledge if you want skeletons that I sculpted. Otherwise you can use my paper minis or whatever other monster figures you have on your shelf.
AdeptiCon 2024
I am happy to report that AdeptiCon was full of Relicblade battle friends and fun times!
RelicBuds in Relicblade Shirts (Sean, Matt, Mike, and Maurice)
AdeptiCon is one of the biggest miniatures focussed conventions in the world. It is an awesome opportunity to hang out with industry folks and hardcore fans all in once place.
I have to shout out Matt Lechtenberg and Mike Lugo (they're the two guys in the middle of the above photo) for their incredible support during this event. They did a ton of work to create terrain and photos for the Cursebreaker book and the Relicblade events. Absolute legends. Thanks to their help, this was my most fun and least stressful con so far. I normally get absolutely ruined by working cons solo, but with my RelicBuds standing by, we set new records for Metal King Studio. We sold out of everything by Friday morning!
Mike and Matt poured their hearts into the show, but they weren't the only ones. James, Malev, Josh, Clay, and a bunch more people really elevated the Relicblade experience to new levels. I couldn't possibly thank you all enough. We will throw another wonderful Relicblade party next year, so I hope that those of you who missed out can make it to AdeptiCon in 2025.
Cursebreaker Demos
I got to show off Cursebreaker at the con. It was a lot of fun setting up the minis, cards, and dice, then seeing people catch the vision for this clever little wizard game.
Stephanie @orionsbeltminis and Josh @giffsminis casting spells and breaking curses!
Minis, Dice, and friendship. What could be better?
Scott @miniac and I putting on our best wizard face to unlock arcane secrets.
Relicblade Narrative Event!
Mike and James put on an epic Relicblade event! Thanks to their dedicated work building and painting terrain, writing a new adventure, and coordinating all the logistics, we got to see the biggest Relicblade event so far! 16 players lead their adventurers on a dangerous quest. It was truly inspiring to see. There were tons of incredible warbands that fought on terrifically detailed terrain. You'll have to check out the facebook group and discord to see all the personal photos people took of the event.
8 epic tables, 16 bold seekers, 1 incredible day of gaming.
So much hobby talent on display.
It was amazing seeing these tables and games underway. It felt like seeing parts of my imagination that I hadn't imagined yet. There were so many incredible minis on stunning terrain. The Relicblade world sprang to life.
Speed Painting Event
Clay organized a Relicblade Speed painting event for Saturday. It was sponsored by me and Monument Hobbies. I put up the new Lotus Talisman figure to challenge everyone's speed painting skills. Magic, skin, cloth, leather, and more all on one little figure.
Participants only had 1-hour to slap colors on the figure. When judging time came around, I expected to just pick the one that was finished. But everyone did amazing work!
The judging table ended up diving into deep thoughts about brushwork, colors, materials, and more. It felt impossible to choose, but when picked a top figure, it ended up being Jon Nina's little guy.
I guess he's a good painter. Who knew? He can stick his little golden demon trophy next to his real achievement: painting a relicblade guy fast.
@Ninjon with his winning toy solider and a group shot of everyone together.
There is too much fun stuff to share. This Kickstarter has been wonderful so far, and this is just the first phase of our adventure together. I am looking forward to sculpting the new Stretch Goal figures and sharing the process as I work to deliver Cursebreaker and so much more!
Your friend,
Cursebreaker Interview and Battle Report!
Greetings friends,
I have a couple of treats for you to explore. My current Kickstarter is going well! This middle time of a Kickstarter is very slow, but I've been busy at work all throughout. Running my business is a non-stop adventure. This past week, aside from normal work, I did a Podcast interview and recorded a battle report with you guys in mind.
Brush Wielder’s Union Podcast
I had the pleasure of being interviewed on The Brush Wielder's Union podcast. We got to sit and chat about the new game Cursebreaker and this Kickstarter. The interview gave me a fun opportunity to talk about making the new game.
We discussed a lot of fun details. Give it a listen here!
"Sean Sutter returns to talk Relicblade: Cursebreaker"
Cursebreaker Battle Report
Since Cursebreaker is a completely new game, there is a lot to cover. I know some of you are eager to learn more before the Kickstarter concludes so I put together a more in-depth look at the rules on my website.
Now that you've had the chance to read through an overview of the game mechanics. I wanted to also provide an exhibition of actual gameplay! The most accessible way to play Relicblade and Cursebreaker is on Tabletop Simulator. (TTS is a game on steam. You can buy it and play Relicblade for free. I will have the Cursebreaker mod available soon too.)
Malev and I had an intense magical showdown in the Basilisk Graveyard and part 1 of the game is available to watch now! During the battle report we give some commentary on the rules and our choices, but the focus of the video is to show a real game instead of a teaching opportunity. So if you feel like you need more context, a quick read-through of the Cursebreaker website will fill in the blanks.
Since you can use any Magician miniatures you want in Cursebreaker, I made custom minis of Malev and Sean. Wizard Sean was quickly dubbed, Seandalf by the Relicblade Discord Community.
AdeptiCon 2024
This week I am heading to Chicago for AdeptiCon. Come say hi if you're at the show. My booth number is 716. Right by one of the doors to the exhibit hall. I'll be next to Black Site Studios, so you can check out all their great games too.
AdeptiCon is, in my humble opinion, the most important miniature wargaming convention in the new world. It's an absolute dream come true. The first time I attended the show, I had the sense that instead of Valhalla, I want to spend my afterlife at AdeptiCon.
It's going to be a super busy and wonderful week. I will be away from my studio until Monday.
If we manage to unlock new Stretch goals before I return, I probably won't be able to add them to the "Add-on" options until I get home on Monday.
I will make a last call for Add-ons before the campaign closes in a week.
If you haven’t backed the Cursebreaker Kickstarter yet. Please do. It is a very fun game that I made just for you. Plus there are awesome new Relicblade factions too. It’s a Win Win Win.
Your Friend,
Relicblade: Cursebreaker Kickstarter!
Hey. What’s up. It’s Sean. I’ve been doing my Sean thing.
The day has finally arrived. The new Relicblade Kickstarter is here! A lot of work has gone into this project and putting together the Kickstarter page is an extremely important phase. A lot of creative ideas converged for this new release to shaped take shape. The steps along the way are a huge undertaking, but somehow these last steps to communicate what I just made feel just as difficult to me. Maybe even more difficult. Kickstarter pages require those final steps be fulfilled, so I’ve prepared a beautiful Kickstarter page for you to explore. So please explore it!
Making games and art for a living is wonderful. Running Metal King Studio has kept me super busy, but my newest creation is finally ready for the world. It’s nerve wracking and exciting to put out a new project like this. I always have so many more projects trapped inside my imagination begging to get out. So it is a relief to at least get one of them out into the world.
These new releases are a major undertaking and getting the project this far is cause for celebration. As usual, I’ve pushed hard to have as much of this stuff finished as possible before coming to Kickstarter.
There is still work that needs to happen, but from here I will be able to rely on your enthusiasm to carry me onward. I create games for you! I see myself as an artist-game-master who creates all kinds of little adventures for you to explore. My art is a collaboration between my design and your play. This Kickstarter is a lot of things. It really drives home the freedom I have as an artist and game designer. Check out the Kickstarter page to learn a lot more about all the great stuff I made.
I hope to see you in the Shattered Lands!
Your friend,
Sean Sutter
Cursebreaker Overview
Cursebreaker is an all new, stand alone game set in the world of Relicblade. Players enter the Shattered Lands as powerful magicians in search of greatness. As you cross the threshold into those cursed lands, the laws of reality are warped beyond recognition. A completely new rule-set governs reality as you and your rivals contend feral magic.
Relicblade: Cursebreaker is a Wizard Battle game that takes place in the Shattered Lands.
1-4 players. 2'x2' play area.
Strategic magic system that rewards cleverness.
Exciting dice mechanic for casting spells and stealing your opponent's dice to grow more powerful.
Uses Relicblade miniatures in a completely new rule-set with a completely new gameplay experience. Play more games with your existing collection!
Sea Mistress and her rogues challenge the ancient dead in cursed lands.
Cursebreaker Gallery
Guild Champions Faction Gallery
The Guild Champions are a neutral faction of elven elites.
Severed Hand Faction Gallery
The Severed Hand are a neutral faction of seafaring adventurers.
Feb: Relicblade News
Relicblade Restocks!
Greetings friends,
The Relicblade restocks have arrived! My inventory got hit hard thanks to our friend Brent, of Goobertown Hobbies, video about Relicblade. There were probably other things that helped get the word out about Relicblade too. But my little garage was emptied out and I was scrambling all through January just to get product back in stock.
I am happy to report that key items are available again, including the Apostles of the Deep faction set that has been sold out since the summer. Needless to say, I am stoked to see the return of the fish guys.
Be sure to watch the Goobertown Hobbies Relicblade video! It is incredible. I even feel like I learned about Relicblade.
Relicblade Kickstarter News
I am making progress each day on the upcoming Kickstarter. I haven’t set a date yet. I should really just commit to a date, but I still need to make a video and I am not very good at making videos.
We are also working on getting printed samples of the book and cards and painted samples of the figurines ready for the photography. Malev is making really great progress toward that goal while juggling the production of his latest game Pit Lord! You can follow along with the progress and even support his work on his Patreon.
Certainly the biggest factor working against Relicblade new releases is managing the business. I spend the majority of my time shipping orders, managing inventory, and other business needs. All of that puts creative work on the back foot. I really appreciate your patience as I strive to get new releases ready.
I already have inventory of the new miniatures arriving at my studio, so hopefully once the Kickstarter runs through we will be able to fulfill the project quickly.
Malev’s Patreon
Malev is my main creative collaborator. He is not only a studio painter, but he is my constant ally. I really can’t say enough about how great he is.
Last year his first game, Demon Ship, was published and his second game, Pit Lord, is in the final stages before shipping to folks who preordered it. It’s amazing how he is dedicated to helping everyone around him while also achieving so much of his own creative work.
Malev has bee been sharing a lot of great game development and painting updates on his patreon lately. Most of his posts are free to the public, so even if you don’t sign up to support his efforts through Patreon, there is a lot of great content to explore.
I highly recommend you at least check out his latest post about painting the new Relicblade figures. There are wonderful notes about color in there.
-Sean Sutter
Let’s Celebrate 2023!!
Art VS Artist by Sean Sutter
Art VS Artist
Being and artist is weird. I like how weird being an artist is, but social media makes it weird in an extremely uncool way. There is a trend on social media, maybe you’ve seen it, called Art vs Artist. It’s an end of year wrap-up where you show yourself and some of the projects that performed well on the internet. It’s a nice reminder that everything we do is content for parasitic ad streams to create profit for dystopian mega corporations. Instead of showing you social media posts that performed well, I am sharing the 8 biggest projects I achieved this year.
I arranged the images in random order. I’ll write a paragraph for each to honor the effort that went into Metal King Studio this year.
Website Overhaul
This year I spent over a month working on updating my website. It was a pretty intense season. I even cancelled attending a convention in San Francisco to get the work done. The website is my main hub for everything and anything Relicblade. I do social media, but the website is really the most important spot. Keeping up with running a business and being creative is a ton of work, and I hadn’t really overhauled my website since 2017 or so.
This year I got around to making some updates. It was an absurd amount of work, and it’s a job that’s never done. But we can be proud of what was made.
Basilisk Army for SLUDGE!
It’s a lot of work to keep up with solo producing one game, and a making second game is madness. Sludge is an awesome game that simply can’t get all the love it deserves. This fall I took a couple of weeks to focus on making more SLUDGE minis. I am really happy with the result. The new kits are exclusively 3d printable downloads. Folks with 3d printers are only a tiny subset of my customer base, so it was arguably a complete waste of energy. But I am an ARTIST and I get to do what I want.
I am always super stressed about making my art accessible, so who knows how I will move forward with a sludge range in the future. 3d printers are better and cheaper than ever, so maybe a digital range isn’t hopeless. We will see. The new minis are excellent.
One amazing thing about 3d printable kits is that someone on the other side of the world can print and paint a new release faster than the time it would take to ship to them! Just look at Mike’s Basilisk Shock Trooper. Beautiful.
Paper Miniatures!
There are PAPER MINIATURES for Relicblade and Sludge. It was a comical amount of work, but I made paper miniatures available for my games. They are actually very cool and fun to play with these. They obviously have the benefit of making the game more accessible. I am actually quite proud of these. I even ordered some physical prints of the demo set to have at cons. It will be a fun paper-craft project for folks who are interested in trying the game.
Work-In-Progress Relicblade Kickstarter
Kickstarter projects are a huge undertaking and I like to have as much done beforehand as possible. For various reasons, this kickstarter project is still a work in progress. But we can all look forward to some neat new characters early next year!
I really enjoyed designing these characters and I can’t wait for you all to get your hands on them. Making stuff is hard, but you guys are worth it.
Some days are for doing and some days are for learning. I spent a bunch of time this year trying to learn some animation skills. The end result wasn’t exactly as significant as I had hoped, but we did end up with some fun animated gifs for our Instagram stories and a few simple gifs for the website overhaul. It was pretty fun.
Shipping… and shipping… and…
Is shipping it an artistic achievement? No and yes. I ship orders every day. It takes up a lot of my time and it feels a little anti-climactic. The truth of the matter is that shipping my art to people is the last step on an extremely involved ART MAKING journey.
My art obviously starts with an idea. Ideas are cheap because the effort it takes to turn an idea into a finished project is immense. Shipping an order can feel like I am taking time away from art-making, but the followthrough to actually deliver a finished artwork is integral to art-making. This could be a whole essay on its own, but I wanted to celebrate the countless hours I put into this last step. and honor the fact that it’s vital to getting my art into your hands.
How great is this? Relicblade is nothing until it’s in your hands.
Cursebreaker: Game Development
I wrote Cursebreaker in a manic burst of creative energy in November 2022. But throughout 2023 I playtested the heck out of it. Cursebreaker is a new game that will be part of the coming Kickstarter. Cursebreaker is a bit weird and a huge undertaking and who knows if people really want to try a new game. Either way, I made it and I am an artist!
Making something completely new is certainly part of the romance of being an artist. But knowing all the steps from idea to product can really put a damper on making stuff. Thankfully, Cursebreaker sprang out of my head fully formed. All the stuff that comes next to make a game real has taken a lot longer.
2023 Seeker’s Handbook
This year I had to update and order a fresh print run of the core Relucblade rulebook. It was a lot more work than I expected. I couldn’t just click re-order. I had to work my way through the whole document again and make a bunch of technical fixes. I also added an appendix that includes a few things that were developed since the last printing.
Print runs are a huge expense and the running out of the core rulebook is not an option. It was a major project that happed without much fanfare. The end result is that Relicblade has probably survived another year.
Congratulations, Sean.
Good job working. It would have been fun to celebrate a major new release for Relicblade. But instead we have a website that sort of functions, a rulebook that is in print, and packages arriving on doorsteps.
Next year I will get to deliver shiny new toys. But today I get to celebrate the reality of working hard and a pretty wide spectrum of projects.
I hope we can all look back on 2023 with both pride and empathy.
Your friend,
December News!
Peace and Love from Metal King Studio!
Order gifts by Dec 14th!
Season’s Greetings, Y’all!
It is gift giving season. I will be away from the studio for several weeks this month, so be sure to place your Relicblade orders before the 14th. That way your gifts will arrive in time for your gift exchange!
January Kickstarter?
Metal masters of the Guild Champions faction set.
I wasn’t able to get everything ready for a Fall Kickstarter. As I suppose you may have noticed. That said, I am still working on everything and making progress every day. I love to have as much done as possible before I actually run a Kickstarter, so we are on track for a reliable and enjoyable Kickstarter campaign. The new miniatures are even already in production.
January is sort of a scary month to run a Kickstarter since most of us spent our thin budgets on celebrations to close the previous year. But I hope you’ll set aside some money to support my art and get some amazing new Relicblade stuff.
Metal masters of the Severed Hand faction set.
Relicblade: Cursebreaker
Relicblade: Cursebreaker is a new game set in the Relicblade world that uses Relicblade miniatures! It will be part of the core pledge for the upcoming Kickstarter, so you’ll get to play it next year. There is a ton to say about it, but here are some quick bullet points.
A Wizard Battle game that takes place in the Shattered Lands.
1-4 players. 2x2 play area.
Strategic magic system that rewards cleverness.
Uses Relicblade miniatures, but it is a completely new rule-set with a completely new gameplay experience.
New example pages.
As part of the playtest feedback, I’ve added a bunch of new examples to the rulebook. I love doing the little hand drawn examples. So I wanted to share some teaser screenshots from the rulebook here.
Relicblade Family Time!
One last thing before you go. My daughter has been way into papercraft projects lately. She just loves sitting in the middle of her room with markers and paper and scissors. She puts on an audiobook and disappears into a world of imagination. She is truly my daughter.
The Relicblade Demo kit is a wonderful little project for young gamers. Print up the paper minis and spread them out for a wonderful little Relicblade project. Pick up the bigger paper-miniatures set and let your kids go on a wild crafting adventure.
Ok. Go have a fun day.
SLUDGE New Releases
SLUDGE War and SLUDGE Nations are now available in a single print on demand book! Check it out HERE!! For those of us who love a physical prints, this is a great option. The core rules for SLUDGE and the first expansion SLUDGE Nations are collected in this print on demand book. This version has been updated with a few minor quality of life improvements, but is largely the same as appeared in the orginial BLASTER articles. The updates are also in the PDFs available at
Even though Print-on-demand books aren’t super high quality, the Blaster Archive of SLUDGE is wonderful to hold. It’s such a cool project and a real treat to see standing on its own.
A 3rd SLUDGE book and a collected trilogy.
Sludge was originally developed and published in BLASTER games anthology. The game has had a somewhat complicated production and for several years it was only available in the collected anthology format alongside works from my fellow BLASTER creators. Now, the rules for SLUDGE are available on my website and in the collected print on demand book through DriveThruRPG.
Ultimately, I would like to self-publish a lovely collected volume instead of the print on demand option. Even though the SLUDGE war and SLUDGE nations together are over 90 pages, I would like to write one more supplement before I publish a stand alone book. Since SLUDGE is the second game I am solo-developming it is regularly pushed to the back burner. But I am still enthusiastic about the game. It’s very good, and I can’t wait to show you more of the world!
Basilisk Ascendant
To celebrate the re-release of the SLUDGE rulebooks, I finally finished and released the first units in the Basilisk army! The Basilisk Empire is one of the most powerful nations in the western branchways, and an important center of power in the doom age.
Inclusive Game Design
I work hard to make my games accessible, but there are countless barriers to the hobby. Not least of which is the harsh limitations of an extremely small (one man) game company! The Official SLUDGE range spans 3 unique options.
Paper Miniatures: Hand drawn armies for SLUDGE are available to download for FREE here: SLUDGE paper Miniatures. Paper minis are a great option for hobbyists. It may not appeal to those of us who are addicted to 3d minis, but the reality is they look fabulous on the table and create a unique yet immersive experience.
Kit Bash: SLUDGE is also designed for players to dive into their own creativity. Kit bashed armies could be anything from tiny troopers made out of beads, to carefully converted plastic kits from the world’s greatest miniature makers.
Official Sean Sutter Minis: Last but not least, I strive to produce miniatures that match my personal vision of SLUDGE. I started with the armies of KETH, but the resin production was costly and complicated. The KETH army is still available as resin kits, but they are also available as printable downloads. As a way to let my creativity flow I have decided to continue producing the official kits mainly as 3d printable files.
I am not a huge fan of fiddly conversions, so the official SLUDGE armies are all one part miniatures that only need to be glued to bases. To make getting started easier, I have created two Starter Bundle and Expansion Bundles for Keth and Basilisk armies at a discount. <3
3D Printable Minis
With the prevalence of affordable resin 3D printers, I have decided to develop the SLUDGE range as 3D printable kits. I strive to make the game as accessible as possible. Folks all have different preferences for minis and this option won’t be to everyone’s preference, but even if you don’t have a printer it is relatively easy to hire people to print figures for your personal collection. A benefit of a digital range is that it’s much easier for people all over the world to build HUGE armies.
Once you own a digital model kit, you can produce multiples of each figure. And since SLUDGE is a game with large units of doomed line infantry. It is fabulous to be able to print the core of your army.
SLUDGE: Fantasy Wargames in a Doom Age of Black Powder, has been a complicated project that I’ve poured countless hours into. Working on a second game was a wild decision, but SLUDGE is super fun and has so much potential. The way it was released in an anthology, and the figures released with the help of my friends at Black Site Studios made it a little convoluted to get into.
I am still struggling to get the whole thing under control. But the plan to produce armies as 3D Printable figures and an outline for the third book has reignited my passion for the project.
Now is as good a time as ever to try this doomed game. I hope to revisit SLUDGE whenever I have a moment. Thanks for checking this stuff out!
Your friend,
Preview: The Severed Hand
Relicblade: Severed Hand Faction Set preview renders
Greetings friends,
It is already the middle of October! Sheeeeesh! It’s been kind of crazy around here. Family life seriously stalled my pre-Kickstarter progress. My beautiful wife broke her foot, so a lot of my effort went into managing the household and caring for my best friend. No complaints from me!
Life delayed the Severed Hand faction for Relicblade, and the sculptures took a couple of weeks longer than I expected. But I am excited to share this preview of these new characters.
Enjoy this special WIP look at these upcoming Relicblade characters!
The Severed Hand
There has only been the most minor reference to the Severed Hand in the past. When I re-printed the Legends 1 card pack in color, there was one open space to bring the pack up to 10 cards. I used the opportunity to make the character “Verin Six-Fingers, Captain of the Severed Company.”
The Severed Hand has existed since my earliest conception of the Relicblade world. But we haven’t seen any of them until today. It is an odd experience to have so much Relicblade in my mind, but the process of actually making things takes ages.
The Severed Hand is a Neutral faction of seafaring mercenaries.
Saber Wolf preview render.
Saber Wolf
The ancient lands of Kemora sit across the South Sea. Over the past century, Kemen Merchant Lords established vital trade routs and built a prosperous network between desperate allied cities. Transporting goods in the twilight age is dangerous work, and accordingly, it requires the help of dangerous men.
A uniquely Kemen martial tradition was born in the seafaring Saber Wolves. Saber Wolves are hearty sailors and vicious fighters. They carry massive curved swords, exotic explosives, a ferocious reputation.
Tiger Claws
There are few tradable commodities more valuable than information. Trade routs are vital lifelines for the movement of both goods and news from surrounding kingdoms. In dangerous times, powerful secrets must be moved with extreme care. The Tiger Claws are an organization with legendary integrity. These messengers are as secretive and dangerous as their namesake, the mythical tigers of the Kemen jungles.
The Tiger Claws are rogues who famously operate in teams to achieve their secretive missions.
Sea Mistress
Sea Mistresses are powerful sorcerers with an innate connection to the ocean. For seafaring adventurers and traders, there is no higher honor than serving under a magician with a mastery of the seas. When Darkness fell over the Kemora, the Sea Mistresses became key leaders of the trade companies now severed from the Kemen Lords.
The Severing of Kemora
In a cruel instant, the lands of Kemora were cursed by an otherworldly darkness. The golden age of Kemen trade came crashing down as deadly horrors overwhelmed and conquered a dozen cities at once. Skull faced monsters now sat in the seats of power. The merchant fleets, once known as Hands of Kemora, were thrown into chaos. Most companies fled across the Kemen Sea to their hidden outposts in the Alfor islands. Even with the Kemen trade fleet intact, the balance of power was destroyed.
The fractured remnants of the merchant fleet reorganized into mercenary bands. Some dedicated themselves to the service of Darkness, while others violently opposed it. There is no governing body over the the Severed Hand. The mercenary ships scattered across the south sea and beyond. Their talents were finely honed in a golden age of trade, but cruel fate has sent them into a dangerous age of adventure.
Relicblade Kickstarter?
I haven’t set a date for the upcoming Kickstarter campaign. I just finished sculpting the Severed Hand miniatures and I will start production on those immediately. But I still have a lot of artwork to do and videos to make before a Kickstarter page would be ready to launch.
I wanted to put up the campaign in October. But because of delays I don’t expect to launch it this month. I am working on getting everything ready. But there are a lot of delicate moving parts and I strive to deliver Kickstarter rewards without hitting snags. So it’s worth taking a little extra time to get my pigs in a row.
Thanks for taking some time to read through this update. Lots of love,
Add some seafaring adventurers to your collection today!
Relicbuds Ep 13: Relicblade News and Demon Ship Muse.
Relicbuds Episode 13 is now available on YouTube and a bunch of Podcast apps.
RelicBuds is a Metal King Studio podcast. It is essentially a casual audio newsletter and hang out session. Just spend some time hanging out with us in the studio to hear little insights into our creative work.
Thanks for listening.
Website Update
Greetings Friends,
I finally took some time out of my regular work schedule to update the Metal King Studio/Relicblade website. I am a relatively competent artist. But web development is not one of my skills. I have used Squarespace for my website since around 2012.
Squarespace is a blessing and a curse. It is relatively easy to set up a website, but you have to put up with a lot of general sub-optimal qualities. Especially when it comes to commerce. My web store, which is my main source of income, is difficult to navigate and slightly less usable than a website from the mid 90s.
The good thing about the update is that my web store is no longer worse than a website from the 1990s. It is more like an alternate squarespace timeline where people don’t really shop online.
Man. I really hate squarespace.
Customer Accounts
In order to get slightly better functionality I had to completely rebuild my website to update from 7.0 to 7.1. This is absolutely insane, because I had almost ten years of customer information on my old website that could not be transferred.
Not only did I have to completely remake the web store items for all the digital goods on my store. But customers who purchased those items in the past no longer have access to their accounts!
If you had a customer account and need to recover access to your files please email me at
We can manually add your digital items back to a new account.
Catacombs: New Releases
The Catacombs of Kural Solo/Coop Adventure!
The new releases from the Catacombs of Kural Kickstarter are now available for general release! Throw down your collection against the devilishly dangerous Catacombs of Kural cool adventure. This book contains an all new solo/coop game mode and introduces the Aug-Suul faction to the world of Relicblade.