Fellowship of Champions
Factions in Relicblade represent in-world alliances rather than hard gameplay limitations. Players enter the world of Relicblade as Seekers, the unseen masters of fate. Rather than playing as a military commander, like in other games, players are masters of destiny who gather champions from distant lands to undertake dangerous quests.
The bold adventuring parties of Relicblade are not faction based armies, they are fellowships of sometimes unlikely allies who bravely face whatever dangers lie ahead.
There are only two alignments in Relicblade, the path of the Advocate and the Adversary. Players must choose which path they will follow. Will you command bold heroes on a righteous quest for hope, or harness the fury of terrible monsters to carve your dark domain?
Seekers have the power to influence champions with their same alignment. Good Seekers cannot influence the fate of corrupted skull-faced sorcerers, but a simple nudge will set a brave Cleric of Justice on a quest for hope.
Neutral characters stand at a fateful crossroad. These are characters who have not chosen a path. Once a neutral character is influenced by a Seeker, they are forever committed to their Seeker’s alignment.

Brutal tyrants have thrived long enough. Behold the coming of Justice. May the righteous know freedom, and may the corrupt know fear.
The implacable Cleric of Justice is an inspiring presence. Her single minded quest for justice invariably draws like-minded heroes to her cause. For those who pursue the Path of the Advocate, whether indomitable Questing Knight to the intrepid Thief, there is no higher calling.
The Temple of Justice is a central beacon of hope. Ardent believers serve as the tip of the spear in the righteous quest to redeem our fragmented world. May you be the champion of the helpless and the scourge of the wicked.
The Temple of Justice is well suited for players who enjoy a balanced force with a noble purpose.
These are dark days, but there are a brave few who stand against the darkness. The Lone Guard are an acient order of ever vigilant rangers and warriors. These frontiersmen travel hidden paths with the deadly purpose to forge a new destiny.
The intrepid Lone Guard are aided by bold companions. Both the stalwart billman and savage sabertooth lend aid to the noble cause.
Take the oath of the Lone Guard and fight for a glorious new dawn.
The Lone Guard employ synergies and companion allies for a gritty, tactical play style.
The Wilderkin are individuals of fay ancestry caught in the serpentine paths of fate. Their lives are forever intertwined in the intricate patterns of an altered world. Their motives are convoluted and wildly varied. However, their dedication to the Path of the Advocate is unwavering.
From the towering Stonekin to the minuscule gnome, the wilderkin take many forms. These strangers bear wondrous powers of otherworldly origin.
Entangle yourself in the strange motives of the inscrutable wilderkin.
The Wilderkin offer a wide range of strange allies. They feature excellent board control and the support of powerful alchemical technologies.
The Lostwood Enclave may have ancestral ties to the fay realm, but they are bound together by an unyielding commitment to the changed world. They are stewards and protectors utterly opposed to the forces of evil.
The Lostwood is a source of haunting mysteries and strange legends. The forests shifting boarders mark the boundaries of a most savage wilderness. The wild folk of the Lostwood abide by the savage laws of nature. They are wanderers, protectors, and sages of the changed world.
Lose yourself among these wild souls to find the Path of the Advocate.
The Lostwood Enclave harness both the defensive and aggressive forces of nature, and are befitting adaptable players who abide by wild laws.

Wrath is your name. Havoc is your fate! There is chaos in the winds and destruction in your path. Seize your destiny and force the world to kneel.
The savage pig men were forged in hate. They are the scurge of the earth. Organized under a powerful warlord they are a brutal force of both martial precision and crushing brutality.
Raise the banner of the swine lord, provoke open war, and destroy those who defy your dominion!
The Battle Pigs perform best under the command of a battle hardened general. When fielded in close formation they are as violent as they are immovable.
As the rebirth of civilization bore its first fruit, a new enemy emerged. Darkness manifested as a threat unlike any other. Darkness is a ruinous force set on finishing the work of the apocalypse.
Skull-faced sorcerers are the high priests of a profoundly evil religion. They have been granted the power to remake life in the image of death. These dark heralds wander in the vastness of the world sewing dark creation into the dying earth.
Command these monstrosities to carve a cruel domain of Bone and Darkness.
Darkness is the fastest faction in Relicblade. They possess unmatched board control and wield dark magic to sustain their damnable designs.
Jagged coastlines conceal forgotten kingdoms consumed by the sea. Antediluvian mysteries lie hidden in its coralline chambers and strange servants of primordial masters emerge from its cruel depths.
Unspeakably violent sharks and eel sorcerers lead piscine minions on a weird crusade. They are the surging tide of a mutating world.
Guided by slumbering gods, The Apostles of the Deep cruelly follow the Path of the Adversary.
The Apostles of the Deep feature some of the weirdest creatures in Relicblade. Their war parties center on a few archetypal heroes supported by oceanic goblinoids.
Delve into the sinister underworld that exists on the fringes of society. The nomadic iguan are a dangerous lot who yield at nothing in their bid for survival.
The iguan witch, who’s mind is linked to the primordial deep ones, leads her followers in their savage endeavor. These pitiless warriors work in tight packs supporting one another to deadly effect.
In the absence of true justice, cruelty is law and only the strong survive.
The Wretched Hive relies on their sinister synergies and dirty tricks to get the job done. These cold hearted warriors do well under the command of a cunning master.
Driven by dark prophecies of hateful conquest, the Aug-Suul war clans gathered under the Kural mountains. When the arcane Storms of Kural broke the mountain in half, it unleashed a dark god’s terrible crusade upon the world.
The Aug-Suul are savage ape-trolls lead by half-prophet war chiefs. Their barbaric tactics and powerful magic runes make them a dangerous foe and a threat to all civilization.
Forged by the dark powers of Augaroth, the Aug-Suul war clans carve a dark new Path of the Adversary.
The Aug-Suul are a militaristic race of ape-trolls. Their barbaric tactics and heavy equipment can easily trade blows with the strongest foes, making them a solid choice for both new and experienced players.