Start Collecting Relicblade Miniatures

Collecting Relicblade

Relicblade products are designed to give collectors tons of great options to customize their collections. Factions play an important role in organizing the product range, but can be confusing for players with other gaming backgrounds. Factions are exciting lore based character packs, but players are not limited to play within a single faction. There are also campaign books, single character expansions without faction affiliations, important universal card packs, and game aids that make collecting the game somewhat complicated.

Relicblade is an ever-expanding world springing from the mind of Sean Sutter. New content is always under development, but to keep things somewhat organized, Sean has devised these product categories to manage his chaotic imagination.

Relicblade products available from Metal King Studio and artist Sean Sutter

Two-Player Box Set

The Storms of Kural is an awesome place to start. This meticulously designed box set includes two full size warbands, a 32 card deck packed with dynamic characters and excellent universal upgrades, a high quality token set, and the Storms of Kural campaign book!

The eight champions featured in this box set represent the eight main factions in Relicblade, and each character has been carefully designed to represent that faction’s play style. If you like one character in particular, then I can practically guarantee that their associated faction will fit your style.

New players can get the Storms of Kural box set bundled with the Seeker’s Handbook at a discount!

Storms of Kural Two-Player Box Set
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Relicblade Books

The Seeker’s Handbook is the core rulebook for Relicblade. It includes all the core rules and an expansive campaign format. There is also The Volgelands campaign setting, which includes lore, scenarios, and narrative campaigns. The Catacombs of Kural introduces an all new solo and cooperative format for players to explore!

Relicblade: The Seeker's Handbook, Core Rulebook
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The Volgelands Campaign Book
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Catacombs of Kural: Solo/Coop Adventure
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Faction Sets

Relicblade Faction Sets are themed character packs that form a foundation of any Relicblade collection. They are a set of allied characters with a shared background. These may be righteous warriors dedicated to the Temple of Justice or skull-faced horrors of Bone and Darkness. Faction sets also tend to explore new play-styles with special character types and exciting new upgrade options. But ultimately, every character in Relicblade can find themselves fighting side by side with heroes from other factions.

Faction Set: Bone and Darkness
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Faction Set: Temple of Justice
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Faction Set: Kingdoms of Akadh
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Learn more in the Factions page!

Single Character Expansions

There are dozens of unique characters in Relicblade. Some, like the Berserker Pig, are thematically allied with a particular faction. But there are plenty of stand alone characters, like the Flame Bearer, in search of brave allies regardless of faction background.

Berserker Pig
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Flame Bearer
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Lotus Bladesong
Sold out
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Card Packs and Game Aids

Relicblade uses a lot of wonderfully illustrated cards. There is a wide range of characters, upgrades, relics, and monsters! Cards are a particularly complicated product for an independent production. I do my best to offer everything players need. I sell card packs from box sets separately so folks can access upgrades without purchasing whole sets, and I also bundle stand alone characters into the Singular Champion packs.

The most important card packs for every player to pick up are the Adventure Gear and Relics of the Volge packs. There are also some really great card packs to support campaign play, like the Wild Monsters and packs related to specific campaigns.

I also produce a set of tokens for Relicblade. Since your cards and miniatures already have a distinct Sean Sutter style, why not throw some wacky Relicblade tokens on the table?

Adventure Gear Cards
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Relics of the Volge
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Deluxe Relicblade Token Set
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Explore the Shop!


I have been working on Relicblade non-stop for many delightful years. Making stuff is a wonderful challenge, but marketing and explaining what I made is a big job on top of all my other duties. As you know, I do all the game design, sculpture, illustration, and run the business myself. I know it is easier to grab minis from your local store or even click on amazon to get them delivered the next day. If you’ve read this far into my website, then I know you’re more interested than 90% of people who hear about Relicblade. And people who hear about Relicblade represent a tiny fraction of the overall miniature gaming hobby!

I really appreciate you coming on this journey with me. By purchasing my art directly from my studio, you are directly investing in the future of Relicblade! I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your support.

Your Friend,

Sean Sutter