Kickstarter Final Hours and AdeptiCon
Howdy y'all! This Kickstarter is running through a super busy time of year, but it's also been a terrific gust of wind in my sails. The campaign closes in under 24 hours, so I wanted to give you all a quick note to detail the Add-on structure and share some fun stuff from my trip to AdeptiCon.
If you haven’t backed the Kickstarter yet, Now is your last chance!
Relicblade/Cursebreaker Add-ons
I don't use a pledge manager with my Kickstarter campaigns. I work hard to deliver the KS rewards as quickly as possible, so I try to keep all the info in one place so I can get accurate inventory counts and ship right away instead of collecting late pledges. After a campaign, all the fun new releases become part of the Relicblade product range and are available for general release. There are a bunch of logistical challenges that this technique mitigates. I know it's not perfect for everyone, but I am trying and I love you all.
To receive the new Paragon Character or Monster Pack, you will need to Add them to your pledge before the campaign closes!
The "paragon" characters are special Relicblade champions that can be used in both Relicblade and Cursebreaker. I focussed on magic users so you can get the most out of these guys in both settings. The kits will include the metal mini, a round plastic base, and their Relicblade character card. I haven't sculpted these yet. I will share my progress on these figures in the coming weeks.
The Wild Monster pack and the Additional Cursebreaker cards are also available as Add-ons. The extra cards will be handy if you and your friends want to use the same school of magic.
The monster pack is a fun way to add characterful Relicblade style sculpts for those classic undead monsters. The skeletons and revenant appear in the Seeker's Handbook campaign and in the Cursebreaker campaign.
Dangerous Skeletons! Add these to your pledge if you want skeletons that I sculpted. Otherwise you can use my paper minis or whatever other monster figures you have on your shelf.
AdeptiCon 2024
I am happy to report that AdeptiCon was full of Relicblade battle friends and fun times!
RelicBuds in Relicblade Shirts (Sean, Matt, Mike, and Maurice)
AdeptiCon is one of the biggest miniatures focussed conventions in the world. It is an awesome opportunity to hang out with industry folks and hardcore fans all in once place.
I have to shout out Matt Lechtenberg and Mike Lugo (they're the two guys in the middle of the above photo) for their incredible support during this event. They did a ton of work to create terrain and photos for the Cursebreaker book and the Relicblade events. Absolute legends. Thanks to their help, this was my most fun and least stressful con so far. I normally get absolutely ruined by working cons solo, but with my RelicBuds standing by, we set new records for Metal King Studio. We sold out of everything by Friday morning!
Mike and Matt poured their hearts into the show, but they weren't the only ones. James, Malev, Josh, Clay, and a bunch more people really elevated the Relicblade experience to new levels. I couldn't possibly thank you all enough. We will throw another wonderful Relicblade party next year, so I hope that those of you who missed out can make it to AdeptiCon in 2025.
Cursebreaker Demos
I got to show off Cursebreaker at the con. It was a lot of fun setting up the minis, cards, and dice, then seeing people catch the vision for this clever little wizard game.
Stephanie @orionsbeltminis and Josh @giffsminis casting spells and breaking curses!
Minis, Dice, and friendship. What could be better?
Scott @miniac and I putting on our best wizard face to unlock arcane secrets.
Relicblade Narrative Event!
Mike and James put on an epic Relicblade event! Thanks to their dedicated work building and painting terrain, writing a new adventure, and coordinating all the logistics, we got to see the biggest Relicblade event so far! 16 players lead their adventurers on a dangerous quest. It was truly inspiring to see. There were tons of incredible warbands that fought on terrifically detailed terrain. You'll have to check out the facebook group and discord to see all the personal photos people took of the event.
8 epic tables, 16 bold seekers, 1 incredible day of gaming.
So much hobby talent on display.
It was amazing seeing these tables and games underway. It felt like seeing parts of my imagination that I hadn't imagined yet. There were so many incredible minis on stunning terrain. The Relicblade world sprang to life.
Speed Painting Event
Clay organized a Relicblade Speed painting event for Saturday. It was sponsored by me and Monument Hobbies. I put up the new Lotus Talisman figure to challenge everyone's speed painting skills. Magic, skin, cloth, leather, and more all on one little figure.
Participants only had 1-hour to slap colors on the figure. When judging time came around, I expected to just pick the one that was finished. But everyone did amazing work!
The judging table ended up diving into deep thoughts about brushwork, colors, materials, and more. It felt impossible to choose, but when picked a top figure, it ended up being Jon Nina's little guy.
I guess he's a good painter. Who knew? He can stick his little golden demon trophy next to his real achievement: painting a relicblade guy fast.
@Ninjon with his winning toy solider and a group shot of everyone together.
There is too much fun stuff to share. This Kickstarter has been wonderful so far, and this is just the first phase of our adventure together. I am looking forward to sculpting the new Stretch Goal figures and sharing the process as I work to deliver Cursebreaker and so much more!
Your friend,